Program for blue collar workers in companies
EAP services for the blue-collar workforce
LifeWorks EAP services for the blue-collar workforce – Annual Contract
Service: WhatsApp and Email based messaging support
Brief on service: Workers will be provided with WhatsApp messaging support, awareness would be done and any time they feel anxious, sad, depressed they can WhatsApp and our mental health expert would answer and based on assessment involve psychologist (5 languages covered)
Outcome: Employees get a feel good and also emotional health support
Service: One awareness talk per month (Webinars)
Brief on service: These one-hour webinars are an excellent source of information and understanding on mental health and related topics.
Outcome – Awareness generation and first-hand knowledge about the importance and benefits of Mental Health and related challenges
Service: Depression Anxiety Stress Test
(one test at Launch of EAP and one test at the end of EAP program)
Brief on service: This test gives information on whether the Depression. Anxiety and Stress levels of the employee are under control or the individual needs assistance to bring them under control.
Outcome – Employee continues to be balanced and productive
Service: Monthly Health Bite /Newsletters
Brief on service: This document gives you the latest information on the happenings in the location/ city/ country you are staying, latest developments in the Mental health area, some important tips and articles to increase your knowledge on how to live a normal life with balanced stress levels.
Outcome – Employee continues to be balanced and productive
Service: Free entrance to workshops and support groups at LifeWorks
Anger Management workshops, Bullying & Harassment, Mediation/ breathing exercises, Managing Emotions, etc.
Brief on service: These workshops and support groups are interactive in nature and give an opportunity to the employee to experience the actual benefits of managing themselves personally and helps them understand the importance of having great mental health.
Outcome – Employee becomes independent and learns how to improve and maintain good mental health.
Service: Crisis situations
Brief on service: Occasionally during times when untoward incidents/ accidents take place at work or at the Camp sites. In such situations Crisis intervention therapy os conducted where all the employees who are directly affected by the incident are addressed and consulted by our psychologist. This is a preventive measure to ensure all the affected people do not get overly stressed and depressed due the incident.
Outcome: Employee continues to be balanced and productive
Service in English, Arabic (Posters in their language, Videos in their language)
Brief on service: LifeWorks offers its services in Arabic, English, as well as popular languages in the blue-Collar worker community, e.g. Hindi/ Urdu, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, and many other languages)
Outcome: Employees can understand and grasp the message since it is delivered in a language of their choice. They take more interest in the information being delivered and implement the tips offered.
Service: Utilization report by Age Group, by Department, by Diagnosis
Brief on service: LifeWorks will share a utilisation report with the organisation on a monthly basis This report shows number total contacts made by the staff with LifeWorks, how many of them had what kinds of different mental and emotional challenges (e.g. How many workers were feeling stressed, depressed, how many had Anxiety attacks, Panic attacks, Anger management issues, feeling lonely, etc.)
Outcome: The organisation understands the severity of the various challenges faced by their workforce. Based on this information the HRD and LifeWorks team can jointly take further remedial actions to remedy the situation.
Service: Wellness champion (changes every quarter)
Brief on service: LifeWorks and the HRD team will jointly declare a Wellness champion every quarter. This person wins this title by displaying all the characteristics of a balanced employee emotionally/ mentally and hence physically too. The major criteria for this contest will be e.g. no of days present, percentage improvement in productivity, number of days not having fallen sick, being energetic etc. the criteria for this contest will be shared with the organisation.
Outcome: Motivated staff who compete to become the Wellness Champion on an ongoing basis. This will assist the organisation to have more healthier and emotionally stable productive and happy workforce.
Service: Dedicated Time slot with Psychologist (for 500+ workers)
Brief on service: This is a dedicated service being offered to the organisation. LifeWorks will reserve certain hours in the week only for serving the needs of the staff of the organisation. During these dedicated hours the psychologist will not be undertaking any other appointments or assignments and will be available to serve the needs of the staff of the organisation. This is an exclusive service and comes at an extra charge which will be shared with the organisation separately.
Outcome: Live, on-demand service helps the employees to have peace of mind that there is an expert to whom they can contact at the times mentioned.