Events and talks delivered by the clinical team
Here are some of the events and talks delivered by our clinical team.
Book an appointment
If you need assistance or do you have any concerns pertaining psychological issues and you don’t know where to go, kindly contact LifeWorks Holistic Counselling Centre (LWHCC) on this number +971 4 224-5736 located in Al Wasl Road, Umm Suqeim 2 , Villa 1230 , Dubai , UAE.
For Emergency Cases
If the client needs to seek an assistance, please contact LWHCC immediately and inform the clinician on duty so that they can assist you and guide you appropriately.
If the client needs immediate medical attention or involves risk to self-harm/ harm to other people or to children, we advise you to contact your local emergency services in your area or visit Rashid Hospital or Al Amal Psychiatric hospital immediately. They are mainly open for 24/7 to assist you.
For Medication or Renewal of prescription
It will help to achieve the maximum care of the client by providing information tracking the history and conducting thorough assessment before prescribing the required medication. In addition to this, clients are requested to bring the medical report from a previous Psychiatrist/Health Care Provider in order to check whether the medication was still effective or in the range of the previous required dosage, duration and interval. Further assessment will be necessary if the psychiatrist decide to modify the plan of care for him/her.
Patient & Family Bill of Rights
Being a valued patient in Dubai, you and your family have the following Rights:
- Fully understand and practice all your rights. If, for any reason, you don’t understand them, please contact customer relation office for any help including providing an interpreter (If any).
- Full disclosure of health services cost and information related to all services provided by the Facility
- Receive impartial care and respect of your personal values and beliefs from all staff without discrimination, according to DHA’s rules and regulations.
- Receive comprehensive medical care aiming at reaching proper medical diagnosis and treatment of your illness and/or your injury.
- Receive immediate care in emergency cases.
- Know the identity (name & specialty) of the physician responsible for your care.
- Receive comprehensive information about your diagnosis, proposed treatment, any changes in your health status and causes of such changes, alternative treatments, probabilities of treatment success or failure, therapy advantages and disadvantages, possible problems related to treatment and expected results of ignoring the treatment in a simple understandable manner.
- Have an interpreter (upon availability) if the language presents a barrier to understanding details of your comprehensive medical care.
- Give your written General Consent for treatment at DHA upon admission to the hospital / centre.
- Give your written informed consent before any surgery, minimally invasive procedure, anesthesia, transfusion of blood and blood products, or any other medical procedures that entail your written consent (according to DHA’s rules and regulations) after receiving all information that you may need. This must include the procedure benefits, available alternatives and all possible risks.
- Participate in your care decision-making. DHA encourages patients, parents or legal guardians to participate in planning and implementing the treatment with nurses and physicians.
- Obtain a medical report and a copy of medical test results from the Medical Records Section (upon your request), for which the hospital will charge you according to DHA’s rules and regulations.
- Enjoy privacy during the performance of all examinations, procedures, and treatment at the hospital / centre, and DHA maintains confidentiality of all your information.
- Choose the treating team doctor (upon availability and operational needs).
- Refuse the treatment. Thus, the treating doctor must inform you of the medical consequences of your refusal. Accordingly, you shall sign a form with your decision.
- Refuse examination or follow-up of your treatment details by any person not directly responsible for your care. For persons who are not directly involved in your treatment, they must have your prior permission to attend your case discussion, examination and treatment.
- Be protected during treatment form any physical, verbal or psychological assault.
- Receive information from the treating doctor – in case you would like to donate any body organ – about donation process including advantages and potential disadvantages.
- Have a family member or guardian as an escort depending on your availability and your health status, as per DHA’s rules and regulations. However, due to medical reasons, certain units don’t allow this.
- Receive complete explanation of causes to be transferred to another care center, consequent obligations (financial and administrative – if any) and alternatives. Then, the hospital / centre management will make all necessary arrangements to obtain the alternate medical center’s approval to receive the referred patient before starting the transfer process.
- Receive – upon your request – an itemized bill explaining all charges regardless paid by yourself or by other sources.
- Complaints and suggestions on services can be submitted through customer relation offices in the hospital / centre or through eComplaint.
- View your medical record under the supervision of the treating doctor or medical team staff, according to DHA’s rules and regulations.
- DHA respects your right of appropriate assessment and management of pain through well known therapies and provides you with all necessary information in this regard.
- In case of any new scientific research conducted by DHA pertaining to your treatment, your doctor will inform you on all related issues including potential benefits and risks, therapeutic alternatives and medical research protocol details.
- If you are asked to participate in a medical research, you have the right to give a written consent or refuse. You also have the right to end your participation at any time for any reason. This will not compromise the quality of medical services provided to you.
- DHA is committed to provide terminally ill and dying patients with decent and compassionate care respecting their unique needs, according to DHA’s regulations.
Patients & Family Bill of Responsibilities
Being a valued patient in the Dubai Health Authority, you and your family have the following Responsibilities:
- Respect the hospital’s / center’s rules and regulations.
- Show consideration for others and deal with other patients and staff with respect.
- Respect the privacy and comfort of other patients.
- Provide complete and accurate information about present complaints, past illness, previous hospitalization and treatment and any known drug allergy.
- Follow the treating doctor’s instructions.
- Hold the responsibility for refusing or not following the treatment plan, after being informed of consequences.
- Avoid delay in taking appointment from the Appointment Office/ Medical Records Section, as soon as it is requested by the doctor.
- Attend the appointment on time. If you want to cancel it, inform the Appointment Office 48 hours in advance.
- Respect the priority given to emergency cases.
- Observe safety regulations including the no-smoking policy, maintaining the cleanliness of the place, hand hygiene etc…
- Ensure that financial obligations due for DHA are fulfilled promptly (if any).
- Give requested samples and attend medical check up on time.
- Avoid bringing valuable personal belongings to the hospital / centre. The hospital / centre will not be held responsible for loss of / damage to such belongings. However; in emergency cases, you must notify nurses and give them these valuables in the presence of the hospital / centre’s security staff against duly signed special forms. You must keep a copy of this form and verify the recipient’s official identity. The hospital / centre management is not responsible for any consequences resulting from non-adherence to above instructions.
Care plan provides direction for individualized care of the client. The care plan is a means of communicating and organizing the actions of professionals involved in the care of a client.
As part of healthcare professional client collaboration in treatment planning, LWHCC will provide clients with individualized care plans, consisting of pre-planned treatment services. Clients will have a copy of this care plan and it will be utilized throughout their contact with the team. The care plan will also help the patient understand how to fully utilize LifeWorks care and will include the previous treatment approaches when revisiting the center.
Each client will have a client/patient coordinator to coordinate the support required from LifeWorks. Clients who may require support during initial stages of the treatment plan and during crisis situations will be offered free phone support by LifeWorks client coordinator. Clients would receive a phone call from the coordinator as per the agreed components of the care plan. The care plan will be amended regularly during follow up appointments as per the clinical review.
We suggest clients who already have a care plan and have been seeing the psychiatrist or psychologist to contact our center for further guidance and support during crisis situations.
Support Group Description
Learning about Mindfulness is one of the most popular of the Personal Development classes running at LifeWorks.
Mindfulness is the cultivation of skills that reduce stress, develop greater focused attention and concentration, and increase our capacity to effectively manage life complexities.
The practice of Mindfulness is a transferable skill which can be applied to reduce stress and burnout in sport, work, study, and relationships. The unique aspect of this course is that it provides a life skill that can be immediately integrated into your daily life.
Mindfulness practice is a powerful antidote to stress, anxiety, panic, pain, depression, and obsessive thinking. Because of the experiential nature of the course these skills are learned over the period of four weeks.
Duration of Support Group
Duration: 8 hours
Target Audience: Adults and Teens
Here is some of the feedback from recent course participants:
- A very inspiring and eye opening experience
- The outcomes of this support group were more than met for me!
- Very insightful – has helped me become more self aware.
- Extremely thought provoking.
- Learning the techniques is amazing – very calming.
- A great support group with wonderful techniques to move me out of my head and back into my heart.
- I was very pleased with the support group – very beneficial to practice mindfulness together as a group.
- I’m more aware of my feelings and how to handle them.
- I feel I’m not getting irritated as easily as before.
- I have found some peace, some tools and some friendships.
- I’ve seen a huge improvement in my state of mind.
What is ‘mindfulness’ and how can it help you?
Imagine being able to practice awareness of your thoughts and feelings – to feel as though you have control instead of feeling anxious, fearful, worrying?
Becoming more aware of our thoughts, feelings and sensations may not sound like an obviously helpful thing to do, however learning to do this in a way that suspends judgment and self criticism can have surprising results.
Mindfulness can become our simple way of being – our conscious choice to stay aware in the present moment can mean the difference between being governed by anxiety and worry or experiencing calm centered awareness in our daily lives. Learning mindfulness is worth it!
Support Group Description
Although anger is often known to be undesirable and frowned upon, even evil, people must understand that it is an entirely normal human emotion, which should be expressed, albeit in its proper form, for balanced function. Anger Management helps you maintain that balance.
While helpful when expressed within a limit, once anger gets out of control and starts becoming violent or explosive, it may be time for the affected individual to seek help. In this case, it will often be so that the person feels their anger is supported by the things they have to go through, or that people around them simply don’t understand. This is a good time to go through an anger management program.
It is generally not a good sign when it starts to look as if the affected person seems to exhibit no responsibility whatsoever, and comes to think in absolutes, as in, that it’s always other people to blame.
If left uncontrolled, anger will become deeply entrenched and surface regularly, often affecting one’s relationship with partners, parents, children, and friends. Anger Management helps you save relationships.
Individual Control In Anger Management
Before falling under the impression that seeking the help of a professional is the only way, there are a number of things you can do to stifle the advent of anger when it strikes. These anger management tipswill help you gain much needed composure, which will in turn make it easier to appreciate your surroundings, and perhaps the misplaced nature of its display.
Anger Control Tips
On a personal level, one of the foremost things, and even one of the hardest, is changing the surroundings, perhaps the mood and the management of the body.
For example, when feeling like you are about to get angry, simply go into another room, sing your favorite song, or read a few pages of your book. Taking advantage of a distraction severely disrupts your rage getting to boiling point, which is exactly what one seeks to avoid when their fury problem is chronic.
In addition, you could try moving around and indulging in your favorite physical activity, and learn to manage your mood and release stress through paced breathing.
Both, working out, albeit lightly, and controlled breathing are extremely beneficial for several other psychological ailments associated with physical symptoms as well. Definitely though, nothing quite fixes the problem like an Anger Management support group from LWHCC
Anger Management Support Groups And Professional Help
If despite having taken several steps to curb your rage, preferably also with the help of a partner, you feel it seems the anger just wouldn’t fall under control, there are ways you can seek the help of a professional for anger management.
Of course, leaving your ego behind will play a big part in being able to get to the point where you are ready to admit some form of fault.
Seeing a therapist in order to begin anger management will help isolate the causes of it, be they certain situations, or confrontational aspects.
This relationship provides a safe environment where people can discuss their feelings without feeling targeted or exposed.
There is also the option of attending group sessions for anger management. In an anger management support group in Dubai, you may be able to learn the most effective ways to tame your anger, and possibly gain from how other people overcame the same issue.
Anger Management is a great way to deal with anger, especially excess of it.
Support Group Description
The manifestation of stress is rather one of the most common occurrences that affect almost all people at some point in their lives. Stress has psychological and physical manifestation forms and is usually triggered when the brain senses one is headed into an undesirable situation.
Often known as fight or flight, in a situation like this, the brain causes the release of hormones that may cause excitement or agitation. In its most fleeting forms and a normal extent, it may not require therapy or advanced relaxation techniques and may go away with one just having taken time off to relax. In other situations, where it is excessive and continuous, stress could be classified as chronic, and stress management Dubai may help alleviate symptoms.
Who Should Seek Stress Management In Dubai?
As aforementioned, stress is the brain’s natural way of creating a realization of a flight or fight response. As such, not everybody needs formal stress treatment Dubai.
But for many people, stress and its manifestations can take a dangerous turn, especially for people who stay in stressful situations or do not do anything to alleviate the triggers. Someone working a highly tedious job may be a good example of this. In these cases, the individual must avoid waiting for the stress to subside and instead, seek stress management in Dubai. Studies have shown that people who go through extreme stress may suffer from other more serious issues because of it, and this includes physical conditions.
Dubai Stress Management Tactics
Fortunately, there are a number of things people suffering from extreme stress can do to contain symptoms, even before they seek formal stress management in Dubai. Some of these include:
- Mental relaxation methods, such as staying in the company of someone you admire
- Expressing thoughts and feelings, which can be done in oral or written form. This may help isolate triggers as people you are communicating with may help with identifying causes.
- Engaging in lifestyle changes or taking up a craft. Most people have a go-to pastime they love, and this could include walking the dog, going running, writing, reading, or going to the movies
- Physical relaxation methods such as working out. Being in the company of other people in the gym or playing music while engaging in exercise may help calm the nerves and the body
- Learning breathing techniques, which can help regulate breathing, pace, the pulse, and therefore induce calm.
- Those who have tried several stress management methods including some of the above but without good avail can finally seek Dubai stress management professionals.
What if workplace support group wasn’t simply another session that you “have to” attend? What if there instead was a space created where meaningful conversations exist, where learning founded in psychological and behavioral understandings are shared, and practical application is supported and relevant?
Any organisation is the sum of its people, brought together by their shared purpose, values and vision. LifeWorks has expanded its personal development support group into working with businesses, leaders and teams who would like to explore their roles in creating a positive and productive work culture. The foundation of our support group lies in the roots of mindfulness and how we can apply this not only to the practical daily work we do, but also how we approach articulating our own purpose
We have a range of impactful open programs that we run each Sunday at our villa. We invite anyone who would like to attend these one or two day sessions to join us and not only learn but become part of a community of like-minded professionals in Dubai, exploring a more mindful workplace together. For organisation specific support group we create bespoke experiences of our licensed support group by consulting with your business and making sure that what is facilitated is what your team need most. Our creative and experienced team will be so happy to work with you on leadership, coaching, resilience, communication, or authentic service and connecting with your customers.